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🛒 Adding Bricks

🚀 Overview

Once you have found a brick that you'd like to use, you can install it via the add command. The add command allows developers to add brick templates locally or globally on their machines from either a local path, git url, or registry. By default mason add will add the brick locally but bricks can be added globally by providing the --global (-g for short) flag.


Installing bricks in a local workspace is recommended when the bricks are specific to a project/workspace.

Installing bricks globally is recommended when the bricks are generic and will be used across multiple projects/workspaces.

📁 Path

A brick can be installed via path using the --path option.


The --path must point to directory containing the brick.yaml.

The following command will install a brick named example located in the ./example directory:

🗂 Local

mason add example --path ./example

Running the above command will automatically install the example brick in the current workspace and update the mason.yaml:

path: ./example

🌎 Global

mason add -g example --path ./example

🧑‍💻 Git

A brick can be installed via a git url using the --git-url option.


The --git-path is optional and allows us to specify a path relative to the root of the repository if the brick isn't located in the root. By default the root of the repository is used.

The --git-ref is also optional and allows us to specify a reference (tag, commit hash, or branch name). By default the default branch is used .

The following command will install a brick named widget located at

🗂 Local

mason add widget
--git-path bricks/widget
--git-ref 1f9ffefa02045f9729addf205a176d263cd5de0b

Running the above command will automatically install the widget brick in the current workspace and update the mason.yaml:

url: ''
path: 'bricks/widget'

🌎 Global

mason add -g widget
--git-path bricks/widget
--git-ref 1f9ffefa02045f9729addf205a176d263cd5de0b

☁️ Registry

By default when using the add command, bricks are installed from the BrickHub registry.

The following command will install the latest version of the flutter_news_template brick from the BrickHub registry:

🗂 Local

mason add flutter_news_template

Running the above command will automatically resolve the latest version, install the flutter_news_template brick in the current workspace, and update the mason.yaml:

flutter_news_template: ^1.0.0

🌎 Global

mason add -g flutter_news_template