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🧑‍💻 Brick Development

🚀 Overview

In this section, we'll take a look at how to develop a brick locally.

⚙️ Installation

Once you have created a new brick locally, you can develop and test the brick by installing it via path. The two main approaches are installing the brick locally using a mason.yaml or installing the brick globally.

For this example, suppose you have created a new brick called example in a bricks directory:

├── bricks
│ └── example
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── __brick__
│ └── brick.yaml

Local Installation

We can run mason init or manually create a mason.yaml to setup a local mason workspace.

├── bricks
│ └── example
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── __brick__
│ └── brick.yaml
└── mason.yaml

Once we have a mason.yaml, we can install the example brick via path using the mason add command:

mason add example --path bricks/example

The mason.yaml should look like:

path: bricks/example

We can verify that the brick has been successfully added by running mason ls:

mason ls
└── example 0.1.0+1 -> /Users/me/mason_playground/bricks/example

Global Installation

Install the brick globally via path:

mason add -g example --path bricks/example

We can verify that the brick has been successfully added by running mason ls -g:

mason ls -g
└── example 0.1.0+1 -> /Users/me/mason_playground/bricks/example

📝 Usage

At this point we have successfully installed our local brick and can use it via mason make:

mason make example

There is no need to re-install a local brick after making changes. Once the brick has been installed from a local path via mason add, changes to the brick will immediately be reflected when running mason make <BRICK>.